Are you an Android fan? Then get ready to catch the envy mood, because Apple has great news for which you may not even have been prepared!
The year 2020 brings us many opportunities to change something, and Apple took advantage of it and decided to present us with the new IOS 14 with over 6 changes (design people, prepare your notebooks, soon we will give grades!).
This cute robot that’s programmed to be a little sarcastic about some of the questions we ask him, won’t invade your entire screen when you decide to ask him. Siri will “lose weight” a little and will appear only as a cog that will listen to your desires, aaaand (spoiler alert!!! in fact, the whole article is a great SPOILER ALERT… whatever) from now on will help you to send messages not only written once but also audio (dear drivers, I felt how you breathed).

Not only Siri has been “reduced” on your screens, but also incoming calls (yes – yes, dear Android users, you can wipe your smiles from your lips), including those on FaceTime.

Thank you, Apple, for thinking about us, those who hate to download every time the applications we need only for a moment. With APP CLip, those moments become waaaay more pleasant, because you can access apps that rely on payments with cards partially, without wasting time downloading them and then deleting them. For example, if you need to pay quickly for parking, or your favorite café has a rewards program, APP Clip helps you access small parts of these applications and automatically works with Apple library and Apple Pay.

Probably the biggest change that’s been made in years is widgets. They will appear in a variety of sizes, which you can customize according to your desire or importance (because here size really matters). Also, if you don’t realize which time you use certain applications most often, Smart Stack (a new widget) will automatically show you the relevant applications depending on the time of day (a great help to parents who think their children really do their homework).
We will end up traveling again to countries that we so much want to visit, but we do not speak or understand the language. A new application that relies on voice translation, will save you from the shame of not understanding the answer of the locals. This application “knows” 11 languages, namely English, Mandarin Chinese, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Portuguese and Russian.
MEMOJI lovers, it’s your chance to show your emotions much better, and funnier. IOS 14 offers you new possibilities to create MEMOJI, including new types of stickers for iMessage.
IOS 14 was presented by Apple on June 22, and for one month developers will test and make improvements. From July, users will be able to use an IOS 14 beta that will be available for devices from the iPhone 6S and up, namely those that supported IOS 13.
So it’s a YAY or NAY?