I put a mix on youtube with techno mixed on vinyl for inspiration, I opened the site and I started to write. I love the sound of a vinyl song. They sound completely different than the one in their laptop or those DJ machines designed to make their lives easier. Vinyl is an art that once you learn, you can’t get enough of it.

I remember when I was little, we had a lot of vinyl at home. I used to get really mad when the part on my face was over and I had to turn it around. Also around the same time, I learned that my cousins started on the road to becoming a DJ (we didn’t appreciate this art back then, feeling guilty), and they learned from the best magic of combining the pieces, adding in time that tiki-tiki, and getting people to dance until morning to the music they mixed. (Not to mention I liked to put my hand to my ear like I had headphones, and pretend I knew my trade. Obviously, I ruined some of my grandmother’s vinyl).
Vinyl, rum, tapas and wine
A few years ago we decided on my friend’s birthday to go to a place where fortunately for me, the party organized by VRTW was held (fortunately because, being raised and accustomed to the life of the underground, I found it quite difficult to get used to the more mainstream clubs where my friends took me every time. Hipster vibe on!). I felt completely in love! The vibe, the people, those magnificent sounds of a combination of jazz, funk, disco, African. I literally felt like I was in my own world. Not to mention that rum and wine flowed non-stop, and I forgot about tapas (always hungry, always uneaten).
After that party, my interest increased greatly towards VRTW, and obviously, like any person in step with technology, I started to follow them on Facebook (my boyfriend is always laughing at me as any topic, movie, or party I like, in the next second google, is my best friend and I start to gather the information for my curious spirit). That’s when I found out the following:

- Their goal was to gather the world for more relaxed socialization between super open people with awesome music and booze (perhaps for more courage). Did I feel it? Checked!
-The VRTW supports new and unknown artists, whose dream is to “educate” the audience and present immortal music on vinyl. Squad goals? Checked!
-These guys have achieved huge success in all cities, even collaborated with big companies like HBO Romania, H&M (pretty big, right?)
-The parties are held in the most unusual locations, usually smaller, with a spirit that completely suits the themes and ideologies of VRTW and the underground movement.
Back to the roots
And when I thought that this mixing technique disappeared with the evolution of technology (you know, the kind of devices that support the beat you choose), in fact, it is “stronger than ever” for connoisseurs and “gourmands” the charming sound of music on vinyl. Why does it sound different? Probably the choices of the musical style, the attention, and effort of the DJ to maintain the rhythm and good mood (because as Grandmaster Flash taught us, it is a hard work to manage the technique of combining sounds on 2 pieces of vinyl simultaneously and become an exceptional DJ).
Was I charmed? My answer is that I still am! And even though not we don’t really have the opportunity to go to parties during this period, I am glad that I can listen to their podcasts, lives on Facebook and maybe (if this time the weather will still be on our side), I will definitely go at the party (which is totally safe) in Brasov on July 25th at Aftar Stube.
Praise the awesome vibes!

P.S Photo Credits to VRTW Facebook page :)